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Bishop Smith recognized by his own life that after all you have done in your past God can and will lead you right into your place of destiny and purpose. He never imagined as a youth on the streets that God would use his life to advance the Kingdom of God. Never considering a life in ministry, his heart was turned toward that direction when he was asked to speak to “at risk” youth in Juvenile Hall. Ironically, he had been in their same place 20 years before as an incarcerated “at risk” youth himself. During his message to those present who eagerly embraced his words while seeing the image of a positive role model by his presence, he was moved by his words stirred their hearts. His message was simply this… there is redemption for everyone if you turn your life around for good and for God.


The spiritual fulfillment of working in this capacity caused him to pursue a solid academic background in both the residential Bible College and nontraditional higher education. Bishop Smith began his studies at Long Beach Bible College where he obtained an Associate Degree in Bible Studies. Having a desire for a deeper understanding of the Word of God; he continued his studies at New Covenant Bible College and Theological Seminary receiving his Bachelor Degree in Biblical Studies and Master Degree in Theology. Upon completion of these studies he continued his education receiving a Doctorate of Theology from Spirit of Truth Institute.


Bishop Smith is in full time ministry as Founding and Senior Pastor of the Greater Chosen Temple Christian Fellowship in Los Angeles, California. He is also the Founder/Chancellor of Great Commission Bible College and Theological Seminary, serves as Superintendent of Church of God and Christ, Inc. Greater Chosen Temple District, under the leadership of Bishop Charles E. Blake, Prison Re-Entry Coordinator for Prison Fellowship,Executive Board Member of Southern Cease Fire Committee and the President of the Wilshire Police Clergy Council. He also served as 1st Assistant Presiding Bishop of Kingdom Power Fellowship of Churches.


In November 2012, Bishop Smith founded God’s Ordained Disciples Fellowship of Churches and Leaders. It is the mission of this fellowship to primarily promote unity amongst Jesus’ Body, through the advancing of the kingdom of God. It has been established to primarily promote unity amongst Jesus’ Body, through the advancing of the kingdom of God on earth and through the spreading of the Gospel throughout the world.


God’s Ordained Disciples vision is to begin a new wave of Kingdom Ministry, which serves Senior Pastors and their local congregants of all racial, ethnic and genders to empower them in fulfilling their divine mandate and impacting the communities in which they serve. To sponsor worldwide holistic conferences/Holy Convocations that will confront and conquer “Kingdom Issues” that hinder the Church from being productive. To establish a scriptural protocol in the Church that transcends culture and denominational difference. Doing so will establish uniformity and protocol that doesn’t remove the sacredness of an individual’s ministry, but adds to the local Church which produces both effectiveness and uniqueness at the same time.


Bishop Dr. K. Donnell Smith, Sr. is licensed as a gang intervention and prevention specialist after completing his studies at California State University. Additionally, he is a certified drug and alcohol counselor, anger management counselor, domestic violence facilitator, crisis intervention, family dynamics counselor, International Institute for Restorative Practices facilitator, Parenting Counselor and Facilitator for Ohio Risk Assessment System Case Planning from University of Cincinnati. Bishop Smith also serves as Clergy Task Force Organizer for Los Angeles City Mayor's Crisis Response Team.

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Bishop Dr. K. Donnell Smith, Sr. was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Raised in the streets of South Central Los Angeles he was no stranger to the dangers of the streets. It was a time when very much like today men had to fight for their lives in order to survive. When faced with the mortality of his own life after being shot and the subsequent loss of his freedom through the judicial system, he decided to turn his life around by giving it to God. Without fully understanding God’s plan, God will allow your path to take a course, even if at the onset it is against His will.


Bangers to the Bible

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2001 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA  90405


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